These clinics will take place throughout the season and will be focused on an individual position such as goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders, and forwards/strikers. The Skilled Specific Clinics are organized and implemented by our highly qualified Paris Saint-Germain Academy coaches. These clinics may also welcome former professional players who will provide unique and insightful advice for our clinic participants.
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The Paris Saint-Germain Academy Orlando Clinics will be back soon. Please click the button below to receive the latest news about the Camps!

Be immersed in the Paris Saint-Germain environment
Train “The Paris Way” through the official Paris Saint-Germain training programs and methodology to develop technical, tactical, and cognitive skills, while increasing your confidence.
Receive coaching points from highly experienced official Paris Saint-Germain Academy coaches who are UEFA licensed or have the U.S. equivalent license.
Learn the Paris Saint-Germain values and philosophy of the game: fair-play, respect, and commitment, while having fun.
Experience the Paris Saint-Germain Academy soccer program
Daily trainings include specific sessions focusing on ball control, dribbling, passing, attacking, shooting, defense, coordination, and game-like situations.
Small-sided games take place during the week.
Fun activities every day including Paris Saint-Germain trivia, official camp pictures, and more!

- FREECLINIC early bird discount code applied this month. No credit card needed!
Information will be released soon.
- All players must wear the official Paris Saint-Germain Academy USA camp uniform kit at all times while camp is in session. Once your registration is complete, please expect to receive an email prompting you to purchase your official Paris Saint-Germain Academy USA uniform ($65), through our partner Soccer Zone USA. Price does not include shipping.
- Each day is split into a morning session and afternoon session. Morning sessions are focused on working through various drills based on a specific topic, while the afternoon is focused on game-like situations (small-sided games, full-sided games, field spacing and positioning, games played to the width, etc.) applying the topics of the day.
- On the first day, check-in opens 30 minutes prior to the camp.
- Training groups will be created based on age, level, skill and ability.
- Pack your bag with cleats, shin guards, gloves (for goalkeepers only), water, sunscreen and lunch box in a cooler. (Lunch is not provided)
- All players must wear the official Paris Saint-Germain Academy USA camp uniform kit at all times while camp is in session. You will have to purchase your uniform on-site the first day at the check-in.